Counseling for women
Are you being controlled, oppressed or emotionally harassed? Are you affected by physical, sexual or psychological violence, threatened by forced marriage, abduction abroad or is your life in danger? Are you threatened by forced prostitution or your child by genital mutilation? Then contact us
Telephone hotline: No. 06442 9544844, Monday to Friday between 8 am and 12 pm and between 2 pm and 4 pm.
Outside these hours, please call the police emergency number 110 or the help line „Violence against women“ on 116 016.
We work with a volunteer team of interpreters. If you speak a little German, it is better to write in German. Then you will receive an answer faster.
Human rights apply equally to men and women. According to the German constitution, human dignity is inviolable. This also applies to your dignity! Nobody has a right to oppress you, to humiliate you, to use violence in any form against you or to decide for you who and when you should marry.
see also: Refuge for women and their children